November 2024-Present-CDC Special Projects Advisor
November 2021-December 2024-CDC-Senior Diversity Equity and Inclusion Consultant
November 2007-November 2021-CDC-Program Development Consultant
September 2002-November 2007-Georgia Department of Human Resources-Program Director
In order to keep her job Magon Saunders together with the Biden admin officials at CDC changed her job title from Senior Diversity and Equity Inclusion Consultant to a Special Project advisor.
Before Trumps Inauguration:
After Trumps Inauguration:
On LinkedIn, Magon Saunders, while employed by the CDC, attended a conference and made a pilgrimage to the George Floyd memorial, where she openly discussed her support for DEIA initiatives and fighting for social justice, essentially endorsing the BLM movement. This move by a government employee is not only a misuse of her position but also a blatant endorsement of a radical agenda that led to widespread riots, destruction, and division.