Multiple small donations to Warren for President (2019-2020)
A $5 donation to Harris for President (2019)
-NIH, Principal Strategist, Office of Equity, Diversion, and Inclusion, Women’s portfolio, Feb 2022-present
-Maryland Judiciary, Law Clerk, Aug 2021-Feb 2022
-Center for Reproductive Rights, Law Clerk, Jan 2021-July2021
-Women’s Law Center of Maryland, Law Intern , Jan 2020-Mar2020
-NARAL Pro-Choice, Policy Research Fellow Intern, June2019-Aug 2019
Those living in rural areas have it bad, but not as bad as women, but still not as bad as women of color, at least according to NIH staffer Emma Kaufmann. Kaufman writes about “intersectionality” in a 3-partblog series for the NIH. “Intersectionality” is another term in the woke word salad that Kaufman describes as “how different aspects of a person’s identity can overlap and create unique challenges for individuals facing various forms of inequities and/or discrimination.”
One blog is about women of faith, another on the “motherhood penalty”, and one on rural landscapes. In the latter, we find out every layer of rural areas is racist, so minority women are living on a prayer to make it out of their circumstances. How refreshing!
“It is critical to note that for White women, these obstacles may prove difficult to overcome, but for women of color – these obstacles can be insurmountable. Structural racism plagues the rural healthcare system, educational infrastructure, and economic outcomes – and women of color are impacted the most.”
If there was anyone that could teach a masterclass in DEI, it’s probably Emma Kaufman. Not only does she spend her 9-5 in the Diversity and Inclusion Office of NIH, she spends her free time educating herself on how to be the wokest in the industry.
In 2023, she received a certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from Cornell University, which involves classes on identifying and counteracting unconscious bias, fostering an inclusive office climate, and DEI at work.
If that didn’t give her enough street cred, in 2024, she was certified as a Civil Treatment Workplace Facilitator from ELI Learning. This certification “enables individuals and teams to benefit from a more respectful, inclusive and productive work environment to improve performance.”
Here’s to 2025 offering another radical certification.