DEI Bureaucrat Watch List


A quick summary of DEI offenses

Karen Matsuoka

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
Senior Policy Advisor for Health Equity - Office of the Director

Karen Matsuoka's

Partisan Political Activities

Karen Matsuoka's

Notable Financial Relationships

Karen Matsuoka's

Notable Prior Employment History

A Parody of Wokeness

If there is any doubt that Karen Matsuoka is full on-board with absurd left-wing wokeness, it is her ridiculous introduction of herself at a seminar in August:

I'm an Asian-American woman, shoulder-length dark hair. I'm wearing glasses, a dark gray blazer with white stripes.
Really happy to be here. My pronouns are she/her.

Working to Lead the Way to Allow Men to Have Medicaid Funded Pregnancy Benefits

Throughout most of history, it was obvious that there were two genders, they were immutable, male and female, men and women and women were the ones who got pregnant. Unfortunately, in the last decade, activists like Karen Matsuoka have been leading the charge to recognize any number of genders.  In Matsuoka she has been using the power and influence of the federal government, and particularly its health care influence to push the radical gender agenda.  

On her watch she’s working to ensure that “men” can get federally funded care for their pregnancy under Obamacare.

And the first is not even necessarily about the addition
of the three optional SOGI questions. The first goes back to something that Morgan had touched on, which is the help text. So, as she mentioned, there's still a current required binary sex question on the Marketplace application for technical reasons we were not able to address. And one of the things that we had heard at least anecdotally
or that was problematic from an eligibility point of view because pregnancy is one of the reasons -- or one of the ways that you can be eligible for Medicaid coverage, even if you're not eligible under the other criteria. And so, we were very worried about the possibility that individuals, let's say, who are pregnant, but they identified as male might tick a different checkbox, not knowing what the implications would be for their eligibility determination. …
We thought the addition of that more explanatory text was critically important so that we can make more accurate eligibility determinations

The radicalization of American’s government can only occur when men and woman like Karen Matsuoka are allowed to continue to pervert it to their goals.