-NIH, Office of Research on Women’s Health, Sr Advisor for Scientific Organizational Strategy, Aug 2024-present
-NIH, Extramural Lead for Training and a Program Director in the Training, Diversity and Health Equity (TiDHE), Oct 2007-Aug 2024
-Conspiring Women Peer Coaching Co-op, Peer Coach, 2018-2021
-Univ. of Washington, Cardiovascular Health Research Unit
Dr. Lucia Hindorff reposted an NIH symposium discussing the ways gender and sex are both multifaceted and variable and how “genomics research has been used to support inaccurate claims about people in sexual and gender minority groups.” According to the CDC, a gender minority is an individual whose gender identity or expression is different from their sex.
All of the research in the world will not support the radical idea of transgenderism and having a women’s health scientist at NIH promoting such is dangerous. Hindroff’s reposting is important, because it shows her personal enthusiasm about the perverse policy, not just the agency’s.
Dr. Lucia Hindorff is looking for someone who has made “notable DEIA-related contributions to the genomics workforce” to receive NHGRI’s Bettie J. Graham Leadership Award. This is highlighting a great opportunity to reduce further DEI waste in President Trump’s administration, if only to save the cost of a plaque.