The National Institutes of Health are tasked with discovering the cures to the diseases and ailments that plague so many Americans. To do this, the NIH, and the researchers it supports, need to be staffed by the brightest minds in the biomedical research community. The metric for recruiting and working with these scholars should be academic excellence, research publication, and innovative technology development. Unfortunately, the Biden Administration has decided that skin color and social group identify is a more important metric for recruiting and has set aside merit to recruit from racial and social groups. One of the NIH’s leading initiaives to do that is the Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Research Diversity (AIM-AHEAD). When you wade though its tortured acronym you quickly discover that it is about promoting and funding individuals on the basis of race.
The central goal of the AIM-AHEAD All of Us Training Program is to increase researcher diversity in AI/ML by training individuals from diverse backgrounds who are committed to gaining proficiency in AI/ML data analysis and applying their expertise to benefit communities underrepresented in biomedical research.
“Diverse background” and “Underrepresented” are code words for racially conscious funding, which is stated explicitly would be prohibited. Lancaster’s work supporting and proselytizing the working of a racially discriminatory program should raise serious concerns whether she would be a strong fit to dismantle DEI programs in a conservative administration.
Dr. Lancaster is a leader in the NIH’s Sexual & Gender Minority Research Coordinating Committee. The group is at the leading edge of mainstreaming transgender acceptance, and promoting research related to transgender health, particularly among young people.
As the group notes, the increase in trans and LGBTQ identification is attributable to aggressive outreach to young people.
Statistics indicate that as of 2024, nearly eight percent of the U.S. population identifies as LGBT, with much of this growth attributed to increases in LGBT identification among younger generations.
Further, Lancaster’s group has been implementing the NIH agenda that looks to promote the bogus ideology that sex is a social construct.
SGM Subpopulations Scientific inquiry into SGM health outcomes also should take into special consideration subpopulations for whom research is lacking. These subpopulations may include intersex individuals or individuals with differences or disorders of sex development (DSD), Two-Spirit people, transgender and gender expansive people, bisexual people, and individuals whose gender identity falls within the full spectrum of gender Additionally, an individual’s gender identity can develop in a variety of ways. Further research is needed to understand how an individual’s innate sense of gender manifests, develops, stabilizes, and/or changes over time.
As the Trump Administration attempts to re-orient the federal government toward a policy agenda that does not embrace the radical LGBTQ ideology, someone who is committed to science policy that believes that gender is fluid and a social construct is ill fitted to working in that administration.