DEI Bureaucrat Watch List


A quick summary of DEI offenses

Caroline Goon

Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
Director of External Affairs - White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders

Caroline Goon's

Partisan Political Activities

Caroline Goon's

Notable Financial Relationships

Caroline Goon's

Notable Prior Employment History

August 2023-Present-White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI)-Director of External Affairs

July 202-July 2023-NIH-Principal Strategist, Portfolio for Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians & Pacific Islanders

October 2022-June 2023-White House Initiative on Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders (WHIAANHPI)-Advisor and Lead Designated Federal Officer

October 2019-July 2020-The Scientific Consulting Group-Career Development Program Lead

July 2018-September 2019-Georgetown University-Assistant Dean, Strategic Initiatives and Marketing

October 2013-July 2018-Georgetown University-Director of Biomedical Graduate Student Recruitment

October 2013-March2018-Georgetown University-Director of Career Strategy and Professional Development


Pushed Diversity at NIH

Caroline Goon claims that anyone can push the divisive DEI agenda at NIH, suggesting that even without expertise or strategic roles, employees should prioritize left-wing indoctrination over merit-based achievement.

“You don’t have to work as a strategist or be a diversity, equity, and inclusion expert to play an active role in creating positive change. You can be that example now in whatever role you have at NIH. –Caroline Goon”
